The image shows a blue marker pen resting on a white surface with a blue and white sticky note attached to it, which has the text  HIPAA  written on it in black ink.

HIPAA Patient Privacy Practices

The image shows a blue marker pen resting on a white surface with a blue and white sticky note attached to it, which has the text  HIPAA  written on it in black ink.


This notice explains how your health information may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information. Please review it carefully. The privacy of your health information is important to us.

Our Legal Duty

We are required by federal and state law to protect the privacy of your health information. This Notice outlines our privacy practices and will remain in effect until updated. We may change our privacy practices and the terms of this Notice, with changes applying to all health information we maintain. We will update this Notice and make it available if significant changes occur. You can request a copy of our Notice at any time. For more details, please contact us using the information at the end of this Notice.

Uses and Disclosures of Health Information

We use and disclose health information for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. For instance, we may share your information with other healthcare providers for treatment purposes, or use it to obtain payment for services. We also use your information for quality assessment and healthcare operations. With your written authorization, we may use or disclose your health information for other purposes. We can share information with family or friends involved in your care, notify individuals of your condition, and provide appointment reminders. We do not use your information for marketing without your authorization and may disclose it if required by law or to address serious threats.

Patient Rights

You have several rights regarding your health information, including the right to access, amend, and receive an accounting of disclosures. You may request restrictions on how your information is used or disclosed and request communication by alternative means. If you receive this Notice electronically, you are entitled to a written copy upon request. For more information or to exercise your rights, please contact us using the information below.

Questions and Complaints

If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices or if you believe your privacy rights have been violated, please contact us. You may also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We will not retaliate for any complaints filed. Contact information for both us and the Department of Health and Human Services is available upon request.

Contact Us

Schedule your appointment online or give us a call to get started today.

Jolly Family Dental - West 14309 Cantrell Rd, Little Rock, AR 72223